The greatest indicator of life span wasn’t genetics, diet, or the amount of daily exercise, as many had suspected. It was lung capacity
— James Nestor, Breath: The New Science of a Lost Art


Have you ever wondered if you’re breathing correctly? What even is correct breathing?

We take around 23,000 breaths a day, but have you ever been taught how to breathe?

Although breathing is an innate bodily function that happens without thought, the way we breathe can have a large impact on health.

By changing the way we breathe to a more functional breathing pattern it can have a wealth of health benefits that include; lower blood pressure, increased oxygenation and blood flow, improved posture, reduce stress, faster recovery, better sleep

I specialise in 4 areas of breathwork

What is functional Breathing? - LSD Breathing

  • Light Breathing

    Light breathing focuses on the biochemistry of the breath and the relationship between carbon dioxide and oxygen. Breathing lightly (less air) will allow for increased oxygen uptake

  • Slow Breathing

    Slow breathing will activate the body’s parasympathetic side of the autonomic nervous. This is your body’s ability to rest, digest and grow.

  • Deep Breathing

    Deep breathing means taking air deeper into the lungs, not taking a bigger breath. Drawing air deep into the lungs using the diaphragm will allow for the most gas to be exchanged

Breathwork sessions

I offer 1-1 or group sessions which can take place at a specific venue or online from the comforts of your home

One-to-One Session

A bespoke breathwork session tailored to your individual needs and breath pattern. Sessions are 90 minutes including personal breath analysis, introduction to functional breathing techniques and an unique exercise program designed to meet your specific goals.

Group Session

Learn about the fundamentals of breathwork in a group session designed to teach you the skills needed to apply breathwork into your life. During an hour long session you will be guided through Oxygen Advantage® breathing exercises aimed at removing restrictive breathing patterns allowing you to unlock the powers of the breath.

Breathwork for Sports Performance

Breathe With Will